Access user reports

Learn about the types of user behavior information and the corresponding reports you can get from your Catalog Navigator.

1. Login to Catalog Navigator

Be sure to use Internet Explorer. Login and navigate to the tool Program Administrator.

Once in Program Administrator click on the “Reports" tab. Beneath the tab, you'll see three sections: Sessions Reports, Summary Reports, and Inquiries.

2. Session Reports

Session Reports give you information about user access on your Catalog Navigator.

First filter activity based on time period, then select "Search." The Session Reports will return useful information about the catalog users accessed, the version, total time spent, activity, and user ID if they were a registered user. You can find additional information on user behavior under "Details." You can also download this information for further analysis. Just click “Download All” in the right-hand corner.  

3. Summary Reports

Summary Reports give you more options for filtering and results. Before reviewing the reports there are a couple of different conditions you can filter on: Master or Private Catalog results, Versions (if you're using different graphics and PLPs), Language (if you have any foreign language programs), and you can also filter by Devices.

Next, you have to choose from the list of "General Reports" before moving on to the final filtering options. We'll cover a few report types below. 

Keyword/Part # Search within the Catalog Navigator

Under the "General Reports" filter, select "Keyword/Part # Search within the Catalog Navigator." This will give you a report of the activity of your search bar. Most Catalog Navigators have a search bar in the corner that allows users to search by keyword or part numbers.

Next, choose a "Period" filter to select your desired date range for the report. You might also find it useful to summarize your results using the "Summarize by" filter. Lastly, click “View” at the bottom of the page.

You can now see keywords that users have entered when searching for items and products within your Catalog Navigator. This will help you identify product lines that have the most activity and may help you decide how to optimize those pages better.

Activity on Categories

On the "Summary Reports" tab repeat all steps, but this time choose the "Activity on Categories" under the "General Reports" filter. This will give you information on activities performed on various product lines within your Catalog Navigator. You can print this page or download it for future reference.

Actions Taken

Again, repeat the above steps, but select "Actions Taken" for the report type. In this instance you'll receive a summary of actions performed on the Catalog Navigator, such as inquiry submitted, the number of orders, how many downloads were made, and how many pages were printed.

These are just a few of the general reports that you can use, but please explore your options to see which ones are most useful to your Catalog Navigator program.

4. Inquiries

In the final sub-tab, "Inquiries" you'll be able to access the history of "Request Information" submissions. These are submissions that you've received notification emails from, but you always can log in here to see them. Click on “Details” to see all inquiry information.