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Contribute to Thomas Insights

Share your unique industry perspectives and market insights with our readership of 300,000 professionals.

Thomas Insights, the content section of Thomasnet.com, publishes industry content and daily news articles written by our growing network of Experts.

We accept industry perspectives and market insights in the manufacturing, procurement, industrial, and engineering spaces — or in related fields with unique, relevant viewpoints. Our audience includes supply chain managers, engineers, manufacturing operations leaders, business owners, and sales & marketing professionals.

To indicate your interest in contributing as a Market Expert, complete the form on this page.

By contributing to Thomas Insights, you'll:
  • Reach new audiences (Insights has 300,000+ subscribers)
  • Present yourself as a thought leader and subject matter expert in the industrial space
  • Further develop your personal brand

All content must be original and cannot be previously published on any other website, blog, newsletter, or other platform. Submission content should be engaging, educational, and informative — not self-promotional. Experts will receive an author page displaying their name, biography, image, company or personal links, and social media platforms. We do not guarantee publication and do not provide compensation for submissions. Read our style guide here.