Control attribute displays

If you have data on an attribute in your Catalog Navigator, you can choose to hide or display that on various page types.

1. Login to the Catalog Navigator backend tool

Navigate to the Catalog Manager Beta selection in the Tools dropdown menu. If you need help logging in to the backend tool you can find assistance here.

2. Batch selection

Navigate to Batch. Select Add and then select Attribute Display. Here you can choose to export all product lines within your Catalog Navigator or choose to focus on specific ones.

3. Categories

Select the Categories tab and then find the product line you want to work on. Once you find the product line, drag it over. 

4. Attributes

Select the Attributes tab where you can decide which attributes you want to control the display for. and then find the product line you want to work on. Once you find the product line, drag it over. 

5. Display Context

Select the Display Context tab. Here you can select which pages you want to control the attributes on. When you're done, click Save, wait for the batch file to complete, and download the file to review.

5. Batch upload

In the downloaded export, if you want to change the Display Type from Label to Hidden, simply update the column. Click Save and then go back to the Catalog Navigator backend tool. Select the Batch tab and click the upload icon.

6. Review

To make sure the changes were updated to what you wanted to, go back to the staging site and click refresh.