Edit a single product catalog item

How to edit an item and take advantage of the tools available in the Catalog Manager.

1. Login to the Catalog Manager Beta Tool

You’ll need to access your account to start making edits. If you need help, you can see how to login here.

2. Find the item you want to edit

There are two ways to access your part number: 

  • If you already know the part number, select the "Items" tab on the left-hand panel, then search the part number in the search box. 
  • If you don’t know the part number off hand you can search through the "Category" tab also located in the left-hand panel. Navigate through your categories, subcategories, and then product line. Click on the item count of a product line to see all of the items. 

3. Evaluate the item's current display

Before we go into the editing page, let’s see what is currently being shown to customers and what editing options are available.

Once you've located the correct part number you will see icons displayed to the right of that. Here is how to use them:

  • The pencil icon will allow you to edit the item. 
  • The double arrow icon compares your stage data to live data.
  • The exit arrow icon is the preview feature. We recommend using this before performing edits to see what is currently active.
  • The toggle button below the icons will make your item active or inactive. If active, you'll see the item on the stage site. If you set it to inactive, the item remains in the database, but it will not be displayed.

Reminder: All active Catalog Manager data is available in the stage environment. This will allow you to compare and refresh this page as you make edits.

4. Start editing

Click on the item’s pencil icon to go to the editing screen. Here you will see the "Properties" tab with general information on your item and other tabs for further editing options.

When you make edits in this interface make sure to use the “Save” button in the upper right-hand corner. You can verify the changes have been saved by previewing the stage environment. For now, let's go over each tab: 

"Properties" tab

In the first tab, Properties, you can edit the item name, part number, url fragment, and more common information like the primary image and description.

"Ecommerce" tab 

This section includes information like price minimum, order weight, units per package, package type, ship from state, and ship from city. These attributes are helpful if you're using calculated shipping and ecommerce. If you don't have an ecommerce platform, you can skip this tab.

"Attributes" tab

This tab is a summary of all the attributes available for the part number selected. These attributes are mapped to the product line and then inherited to all the part numbers under it. One example of an attribute that can be edited in this tab is the diameter of a part.

For further editing capabilities in this tab, use the pencil icon under "Actions" on the right-hand side of the page. This will allow you to edit attribute properties under these tabs: 

"Properties" tab

Here you can add new units of measurement and update the attribute group.

"Help" tab 

This area allows you to add help text and footnotes to support understanding on the item detail page.

"Display" tab 

In this tab you can determine if you want to display the item on the various page types within the Catalog Navigator. Simply set to "Label" to show, or leave as "Hidden" to hide. You can also enter an alternate display name if you want to use a unique title for a product line. 

"Options" tab

This tab also lists attributes, but these are attributes that are listed as options in either the "Request Information" section or in the cart checkout. For example, you could set color options for an item here. 

"Files" tab

As you might assume, the files tab allows you to upload different files to your part number. This could be images, PDF files, or other documents. To do so you can either upload the file from your computer, or if the file is already in the database, you can upload it from there.

"SEO" tab

The final tab is the SEO tab. The system automatically generates SEO data for every page based on the content that's been provided, however, if you wish to override that you can do so here.