Top suppliers on

Thomas curates lists of top suppliers for a range of products and services to better serve our users, enabling them to make better purchasing decisions by learning about the top companies in a given sector.

What is a Top Supplier?

Top suppliers are companies that rank at the top of their field in terms of size, revenue, popularity, or other factors. Thomas curates lists of top suppliers for a range of products and services to better serve our users, enabling them to make better purchasing decisions by learning about the top companies in a given sector. These articles are a part of our efforts to help industry in North America grow through connecting buyers and sellers. 

How does Thomas determine Top Suppliers?

We use a variety of sources to determine the suppliers to feature in an article, from market research companies to trade associations to’s own anonymized usage data. The methods used by our experts to determine the top suppliers are built on the following principles:

  1. Measurable economic impacts: including market capitalization sizes, annual revenue, the number of people a company employs, and similar factors. 
  2. Industry presence: including awards received for innovation in the company’s sector and recognition by sources such as industry magazines and the CDC.  
  3. Transparency: on an individual level, each article describes the method used to determine what the top suppliers are for that particular product or service.