Thomas curates product and service recommendations through hours of independent research and expert interviews, to help you get your job done.
As North America’s leading industry marketplace, Thomas has been connecting top suppliers with professional buyers since 1898. To continue with our mission, we curate top products and services, from 3D printers to mini milling machines, through hours of independent research and expert interviews, to help you get your job done.
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To uphold editorial neutrality and trust within the manufacturing community, our content is created through meticulous and rigorous research processes. When necessary and relevant, we tap into our unique and direct relationships with manufacturers and industry professionals to incorporate the latest technical knowledge and insights. We also often lean on our engineering and technical expertise, plus the use of qualitative data to assess product reliability over time. If the item is returned by a customer, we make zero commission, so it is in our interests to recommend only the best and most reliable solutions.
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