Purchase Products and Services on Thomasnet.com®

After receiving a quote from a supplier you can transact directly on Thomasnet.com.

You have full control of the sourcing process, from a request for information to checkout, on Thomasnet.com. 

After submitting a project proposal, a supplier that is willing and able to complete your request will accept the proposal and submit a quote to you.

Quote Notifications


Quote Sent

When a supplier quotes on a submitted project, you will receive an email notifying you of the submission. Click the “Review Quote” button in the email to be taken to your Thomas Account where you can see the details of the quote, including item details, shipping costs, and total cost.

Projects in Your Thomas Account


You can also check the status of all submitted proposals in your Thomas Account under the “Projects” tab in the left-hand navigation. 

Completing Your Purchase 

Review order

Once you’ve received a quote, carefully review your order. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the supplier to make changes. When you’re ready to complete your order, use the “Continue to Payment Button.” 

Payment Options

Xometry Powered Checkout

On the checkout page you can complete your purchase through one of the following options: 

  • Credit or debit card
  • Bank account 
  • Pay with Terms - Xometry Partners with established terms can use this method. 
  • Xometry Billing Profile - A Xometry billing profile applies your payment settings and tax exemptions. If you already have a Xometry billing profile, you can use it immediately.  Otherwise, you can create a Xometry Account to start one. If your order is urgent we suggest proceeding with another payment type until your billing profile is processed.