Reset your password

If you can’t remember your password, don’t worry! Reset your password and get back to work in just a few simple steps.

1. Select the 'Forgot password?' link on the login page

Reset Password - Select forgot password

2. Enter your email address

Enter the email address associated with your account.Reset Password - Enter email address-1

3. Check your email to access your new password

Retrieve and copy the password sent to your email by

Reset password - check your email

4. Login using the password provided in the email

Enter your email and paste the password you just received into the password field. Then click Sign In.

Reset password - Login with new password

5. Reset your password for security purposes

When you login you’ll be taken to your Thomas Account page. Under Settings & Preferences in the side navigation panel select Security & Privacy. Paste the password you received (the same code you just used to log in) into the Current Password field. Then choose a new password and click the Save button.

Reset password