Save searches with advanced filters applied

If you require specific certifications, ownership/diversity status, locations served, or all of the above for your suppliers, take advantage of our saved searches function to easily jump back into sourcing.

1. Start your search using our supplier discovery tool

Enter your search query to get started.

Start your search using our supplier discovery tool

2. Narrow your search results using our advanced filters

Filter your results with our extensive list of criteria: supplier validation, company type, quality certification, ownership/diversity status, certifications/registrations, product details, locations served, zip code radius, or with keywords.

Narrow your search results using our advanced filters

3. Save your search for future use

In the upper right-hand corner you’ll see a save icon. Click the icon and your search will be saved to your Thomas Account.

Save your search for future use

4. Access all your saved searches in Thomas Account

In your Thomas Account select “Saved” > “Saved Searches” in the side navigation panel. You’ll find all of your saved searches here. To jump back into sourcing just select one of your previous saved search terms and get back to vetting, shortlisting, and sending RFIs.

Access all your saved searches in Thomas Account